First Day Here!
First day here!
The 13-hour flight from Vancouver to Guangzhou, China and then the 3.5 hours to Phuket were very smooth, and my ability to sleep anywhere when tired really paid off. John’s fancy credit card and therefore getting to spend two hours in the YVR lounge with all-you-can-eat right before the flight definitely helped too……..
First impressions of Thailand are of a very warm, friendly culture, and those I have met so far at our cottage and at roadside restaurants genuinely seem interested in us feeling comfortable and welcome and having a good time regardless of profit.
Today has been very relaxed, as we arrived at 2:30 am last night at our Naiyang Cottage hotel at Nai Yang Beach in Phuket where we will be for two more nights. We went for a really nice walk along the main road and grabbed some food (90 baht or ~ $3.50 CAD for my noodles with chicken and vegetables, John got pad thai for similar, and this was a nicer roadside restaurant, not quite street food), then got caught in a downpour so relaxed at the restaurant for an hour before it passed and was sunny and humid at 32 C once more. We then walked to the beach in Sirinath National Park where I was pleasantly surprised that the travel guides describing it as a beautiful yet quieter one were definitely right. We felt like we had it almost to ourselves! And the water was like cool bathwater, perfect for a cold-averse person like me……..
It is definitely hot and humid but not unbearable. It does make you want to be more inactive though…….
We are off to get a Thai massage and then perhaps go back to the beach……..

Naiyang Cottage, where we will be for three nights. $30 per night and a 15-minute walk to the beach.

Naiyang Cottage.

Simple single room but the water was warm and there was wifi and AC! All we needed.

Road our cottage is on. People drive so fast! Crossing feels a bit hectic……..

Cutest 3 kittens, and their mom, seem to be wild but to be permanently at the cottage. We had fun playing with them with leaves.

So quiet.

My favourite, fresh fruit and veggies.

Mongkol Wararam Temple, built in 1757. Stumbled upon.

Such a cozy beach town.

As good, or better, than back home, and at $3.50, much more affordable!

Caught in a 1-hour downpour over lunch. A wonderful way to relax and enjoy warm rain for a change!